Keeping our homes clean is not as easy as it sounds. Here are some causes of infections in your household that you should pay attention to.A man in a yellow protective suit with a mask fearfully spraying a sanitizer.

A clean and tidy household is the best start to a fresh and proper lifestyle. However, people tend to concentrate much more on the way their home looks than on how it feels. You should definitely put cleanliness before the looks. Studies have proven that, apart from the fact that hygiene is beneficial for obvious reasons, it also impacts your focus and productivity. Here are some common causes of infections in your household and some ways in which you can either prevent them or get rid of them.

The main causes of infection

There are four basic types of causes when it comes to infection in your household. Before digging into what you can do prevention-wise, you need to know where it all begins. This way, you can cure the source instead of dealing with the consequences.

  • Bacteria
    The most common bacteria in your home are staphylococcus, yeast, salmonella, escherichia, etc.
  • Viruses
    It is a well-known fact that a clean home is a virus-free home. However, seeing how nowadays we lead fast-paced lives, most times we simply forget about simple ways to make sure that we’re not bringing viruses into our homes. It’s especially important to focus on this during the pandemic.
  • Parasites
    Most parasites that we can find in our homes live in our own bodies. However, maintaining our households and making sure that we keep the causes of infections far from it will significantly help.
  • Fungi
    Fungi are usually found in moist and warm places. This means that, if your home is prone to mold, you should instantly try to get rid of it.
    A picture of Coronavirus signifying that viruses are the causes of infections in your household.

Viruses are some of the most common sources of infections in your household.

The pandemic

Before we go any further with the causes of infections in households, we need to address the situation we’re currently in. Dealing with the pandemic and maintaining your home infection-free can be demanding and overwhelming.

The best thing you can do is to try and be forgiving towards yourself. This will allow you to focus on the basics and what really matters instead of trying to be perfect and failing. This way, you’ll at least prevent the basic source of infections in your household.

Cleaning after big changes

As much as some big life changes affect you and your own plans, they do the same for your home. Relocating to a completely different home in a place you’ve never lived before can be stressful for many reasons.

However, something that many tend to forget is that you should focus and try to make your home spotless after the relocation before bringing all of your belongings. If you skip this step, chances are that you won’t get back to it and you’ll, unfortunately, experience the consequences of the causes of infections in your household firsthand.

Ask for advice

Being overwhelmed by a move is something that almost everyone experiences. This can result in a lack of motivation to do anything, let alone cleaning. Since filth is one of the main causes of infections in your home, don’t let it get to this. Instead, you can ask your moving company to help. Think about it, they’ve gone through this with a bunch of people and know how everything works.

Moving companies like even have special services like disposal and cleaning, which means that they can not only help by giving you advice but can also literally take the load off your hands.

Some things you wouldn’t think of

Instead of the things you’re surely familiar with, here are some causes of infections in your household that aren’t as obvious.

Personal hygiene

Although you wouldn’t think that the causes of infections in your household work this way, you actually bring in pretty much everything harmful to your home with your own body. Maintaining good personal hygiene is the first step to a clean and bacteria-free home.

Take care of your personal hygiene to prevent being the cause of infections in your household.A person pouring liquid soap on their hand to prevent being the cause of infections in their household.

A person pouring liquid soap on their hand to prevent being the cause of infections in their household.


Aside from ourselves, our furry little friends can actually be quite harmful to our homes. Although they cannot consciously be the causes of infections themselves, the way we take care of them can certainly make a huge impact. Make sure that you wash your pet’s paws thoroughly before letting them onto your furniture.

AC devices

Although they save us during the warm months, AC devices can be serious carriers of infections in our household. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t use air conditioning; it just means that you should clean it quite often. How often? A good amount is between what you think is enough and what you think is too much.

Cluttered space

Although initially not as associated with cleanliness as much as messiness, cluttered spaces can be quite notorious causes of infections in your household. If you’re simply not a tidy person that prefers their home to be spotless, that’s fine. Something you can consider that might be a good compromise is purchasing baskets which you can clutter as much as you like.

Make sure that you’re thorough

If you want to do some home improvement projects during the pandemic, you need to get your priorities in order. The most important thing that you need to understand is that you probably won’t be able to do everything in the same manner as you would’ve otherwise. If that’s not something that you want, it might be best to put these projects off to avoid possible causes of infection in your household.

Don’t have the time?

If you decide to go through with home improvement during a pandemic and don’t have the time to prevent the origins of infections in your household, hire a home improvement company. This is a great way to do everything that you’ve wanted to without having to sacrifice much free time.

Make sure to clean your kitchen properly before doing anything else.

A person in a protective suit cleaning a refrigerator.

Pay attention to your kitchen

Your kitchen is one of the most probable causes of infections in your household. Although most of us would assume that our bathrooms are the worst when it comes to filth, that actually isn’t true. Countertops and handles are actually the worst areas when it comes to bacteria and you should really clean them as much as you can.