Reaching Homeowners and Growing Lead Generation During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has been pushing us all to adjust in different ways to entirely unprecedented circumstances. While the stay at home orders are still at play throughout the world, that same world is slowly trying to find ways to get back to business as usual. While this is hard to do no matter what you are thinking about, it is also necessary, especially if the future of your business is at stake. Businesses that offer maintenance or moving services that rely greatly on face-to-face interaction could be finding it pretty hard to adjust. The adjustment will require a lot of hard work and thinking outside of the box, but there are definitely ways of reaching homeowners & growing lead generation during COVID-19.
Now more than ever, it is important to put your best foot forward. The situation will require you to find creative ways to reach potential customers while keeping current ones happy by managing to work around any possible restrictions. These two will be at the basis of any potential growth you want your business to achieve. How do you go about it, though?
Strategies for achieving growth during COVID-19
Embrace technology
One of the best practices for lead generation during COVID-19 pandemic is showing your current and potential customers you are able to work around the restrictions. Turning to online marketing will be the safest course of action at this time. You want your customers to rest assured that you are taking all of the necessary precautions to keep both them and your employees safe. On top of doing that, you also want to impress upon them that you remain as efficient as ever, albeit using some less traditional methods. There are a couple of messages you want to get across: how you are limiting in-person contact, how often you need to be at the job site and what safety precautions you are taking.
Using technology will make reaching homeowners & growing lead generation during COVID-19 simple. You can organize Q&A sessions using social media apps, for example. You can also create short video tutorials for simple home repairs. The options are actually endless. Whatever you choose, the point is to show customers how you are handling the pandemic while still efficiently going about your business.
Limit in-person contact
Possibly the main one among the strategies for achieving growth during COVID-19 is embracing technology. Luckily, it has advanced enough that it is fairly easy to limit in-person contact as much as necessary. When it comes to consultations, you don’t even need to rely solely on the phone. Nowadays, it will be fairly easy to organize a video call with your customer during which you can cover all of the necessary bases. An app like Zoom is easy to set up and manage. You can video conference with 100 people from any location, and it functions even in environments with low bandwidth. The fact that it works the same on all devices and operating systems will allow you to remain efficient in your work even without face-to-face contact.
Obviously, doing construction is impossible without being physically present. However, there are ways to limit your presence there through the use of technology. The estimation process will be made easier using drone video technology. You’ll be able to get a look at the place without ever actually setting foot there. Certain repairs, like bathroom services, will be easy to estimate through photos or getting a video tour from the client.
Finally, even the contract signing process has been digitized. DocuSign is easy to use and a life-saver in these circumstances for a variety of different businesses. Even moving companies at Master Moving Guide, for example, are using it for digital contract signing as well. Through them, you can send and sign documents online.
Reaching homeowners online
Even though the quarantine makes it harder for you to conduct your business like you’re used to, it actually makes it easier to reach your target audience. As most people are spending their time at home, using the internet constantly, reaching homeowners & growing lead generation during COVID-19 is best done through digital marketing.
Employing a variety of different strategies will help you know how to adapt your marketing during the coronavirus (COVID-19). One of the things you should definitely look into is learning to manage your online presence through reviews. Online word of mouth is very important for the reputation of your business and acquiring any new customers. The best way to manage reviews is to reply to each of them. Even if a potential customer is not looking for say, siding but some other construction work, seeing you engage with your customers will make them trust you more. This will build trust in your brand and make for repeat customers. You should also look into how strong your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is for generating leads without paying for them.
Reviewing your marketing strategy
Most aspects of people’s lives have been decidedly altered during this pandemic. It has happened to all businesses and so reaching homeowners & growing lead generation during COVID-19 will also be different. At this time, you will want to review how much you spend on advertising. You should also determine what channels provide you with the best return for your investment. While no one is suggesting reducing your presence, you will also want to somewhat modify your message if necessary. All of your messages should, to some extent, reflect the sensitive moment we have found ourselves in. Furthermore, using social media might actually help you reach more customers through new strategies. One of the strategies you could employ is granular targeting. It allows for specifying the target audience more narrowly.